
Permissions Options


This controls access to the whole collection and records. Some permissions depend on a minimum Record permission.

No Access

The user cannot access the collection at all, and it will not show up in their sidebar.

If Records is set to No Access, all other permissions besides Configure cannot be enabled and will be set to False/No Access.

No Access

View Only

The user can see the collection and its records, but cannot edit them.

If Records is set to View Only, the Import and Bulk Delete permissions cannot be enabled and will be set to False. The tasks (and files, activities)

Read Only

View & Edit

The user can see and edit the collection’s records. All inputs are enabled

Full Access


Allows users to create records in bulk by importing CSVs. This requires View & Edit on Record permissions.

For more information see Importing Data.


Allows users to export records in bulk. This requires Record permissions of at least View Only, so that users cannot export data for collections they cannot see.

For more information see Exporting Data.

Bulk Delete

Allows users to delete more than one record at a time. This requires View & Edit on Record permissions.


Non-admins with Configure permission can configure the collection (add collection fields etc.), including setting permissions for that collection. However, the Configure permission is only visible and editable by admins.

You also can't enable configure against colleague(s) fields.

For more information about configuring a collection see Configure collections.


For more information about Tasks, including how to enable them, see non-existent tasks page.

  • Not Enabled - shown if Tasks have not yet been enabled for this collection. Permissions cannot be set until this is enabled.
  • No Access - the user cannot see or use tasks. If they are assigned a task, they will not be able to see this!
  • View Only - the user can see tasks that have been added, but they cannot create, complete or edit tasks.
  • View & Edit - the user has full access to tasks and their functions.


For more information about Activities, including how to enable them, see Manage Activities.

  • Not Enabled - shown if Activities have not yet been enabled for this collection. Permissions cannot be set until this is enabled.
  • No Access - the user cannot see or log activities.
  • View Only - the user can see activities but cannot log them manually.
  • View & Edit - the user can see and log activities.


For more information about Files, including how to enable them, see ???.

  • Not Enabled - shown if Files have not yet been enabled for this collection. Permissions cannot be set until this is enabled.
  • No Access - the user cannot see or edit files.
  • View Only - the user can view files but cannot add or delete them.
  • View & Edit - the user can see and add/delete files.


  • I can’t change the permission value.
    • If you are trying to enable Import or Bulk Delete, does the role have View & Edit Record permissions? If you are trying to enable Export, Task or Activities permissions, does the role have at least View Only permissions?
    • Check to see if the Everyone role has a higher permission level than what you are trying to do. This will grey out checkboxes, or dropdown options.
    • Colleague(s) fields can't have configure permission.
    • If you are trying to change permissions for Tasks, Files or Activities, you may need to first enable these features.
  • I can’t see the permissions settings
    • Only admins can see the Roles Pane in the organisation settings.
    • Collection permissions can only be seen by admins and those with configure access for that collection.