
Managing Tasks

When managing complex projects or workflows, keeping on top of tasks can sometimes be a challenge - Kinabase gives you the ability to manage and view your tasks with ease so you can spend more time on what matters to you.

Kinabase allows you to create and store tasks against individual records, and can be viewed either through the collection screen or from the task dashboard. This guide will walk you through how to enable, create, edit, and complete tasks in Kinabase.

Enabling Tasks

In Kinabase, Tasks are created and stored against individual records. To create a task against a record, tasks must first be enabled for that collection. These steps will show you how to enable tasks against a collection:

  • Navigate to the Collection Configuration page by right clicking a collection in the navigation pane, then selecting Configure from the dropdown list.
  • Select the Tasks page from the configuration page list.
  • Activate the Enable Tasks toggle.

Tasks can now be stored against records in this collection! Next, we can go into a record and create our first task.

Enable tasks toggle

Creating a Task

Now that tasks have been enabled for our current collection, we can begin to create tasks against our records. This section will describe how to create tasks against specific records, give them descriptions, deadlines, and assign them owners from our organisation.

Navigate to the tasks pane

To create and configure a new task:

  • Find and click the record for which you want to create a new task to open the Details Pane
  • Navigate to the Tasks Pane - here you will see the screen pictured above.
  • Click the Add Task button and enter a name for your task.
  • Optionally add a description, due date, or owner to the task.
  • Click Save to add this task to the record.
Create a task

The newly created task will appear in the record details screen, and as well in the Task Dashboard, more details for which can be found in the Task Dashboard support article.

Editing a Task

You can quickly and easily edit an existing task by first navigating to the record where the task is stored, then selecting the Tasks tab to view the task.

To edit the task, simply click anywhere on the task line. From here you can edit the name, description, due date, or owner of the task. Once you're happy with the updated task, click Save to finish editing.

Edit a task

Completing or Deleting a Task

Finally, you have the option of completing or deleting a task.

To Complete a task, click the open circle to the left of the task. Completed tasks are hidden by default, however, clicking the ticked box above the task list will set completed tasks to appear at the bottom the task list with strike-through text.

Completing a task

To Delete a task, right click on the task you wish to delete and select Delete from the dropdown list. Note that deleted tasks cannot be viewed or restored.

Deleting a task

Find out how to better organise and track tasks with the Tasks Dashboard to or the Calendar and Scheduling features.